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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Here is a collection of frequently asked questions that I have put together to help you in buying or selling a home. If you have any other questions, not listed here, feel free to call or send an e-mail.

By clicking on any of the questions below, you may view the answer.

Questions From Buyers

  • What is a Amortization?
  • What is a Annual Percentage Rate?
  • What is a Appraisal?
  • What is a Adjustable Rate Mortgage?
  • What is a Assessment?
  • What is a Buyer's Agent?
  • What is a Comparable Market Analysis?
  • What is a Closing?
  • What is a Closing Costs?
  • What is a Condominium?
  • What is a Debt to Income Ratio?
  • What is a Deed?
  • What is a Earnest Money?
  • What is a Equity?
  • What is a Escrow?
  • What is a Fixed Rate Mortgage?
  • What is a Foreclosure?
  • What is a Homeowner's Association?
  • What is a Inspection?
  • What is a Interest?
  • What is a Lien?
  • What is a Listing?
  • What is a Loan Origination Fee?
  • What is a Lock-in?
  • What is a LTV ?
  • What is a MLS?
  • What is a PMI?
  • What is a Points?
  • What is a Prequalification?
  • What is a Pre-Pay?
  • What is a Principal?
  • What is a Property Tax?
  • What is a Recording?
  • What is a Sub-Agent?
  • What is a Title Insurance?
  • What is a Warranty?
  • What is a Zoning?
  • What is a "One-Time Show" listing?
  • What's the Difference between a "Listing Agent" and "Selling Agent"?
  • What does FSBO mean?
  • What is a broker?
  • What is a contingency?
  • What is a Multiple Listing Service (MLS)?
  • What is a debt-to-income ratio?
  • What is title insurance?
  • What is the difference between being prequalified and preapproved for a loan?
  • What is a REALTORŪ?
  • What is homeowners association (HOA)?
  • Why should I use a real estate agent?
  • Is an older home as good a value as a new home?
  • What is an escrow officer?
  • Can a home depreciate in value?
  • What are closing costs?
  • Questions From Sellers

  • What is an "Exclusive Agency Listing"?
  • What is an "Exclusive Right to Sell" listing?
  • What are comparables or comps?
  • What is a counteroffer?
  • What does an appraisal mean?
  • Why should I use a real estate agent?
  • Is there a "best time" to put my house on the market?
  • How should I price my home?
  • What are disadvantages of pricing my home on the high end?
  • Do I have to sell to the person with the highest offer?
  • Can I back out of my contract with one buyer and accept a new, higher offer from a second buyer?
  • Who is responsible for making repairs, if any, as a result of home inspection reports conducted for the buyer?

    Angela M. Haas  -  Avalar
    Ph: 415 246 6533
    711 Grand Avenue, Suite150
    San Rafael, CA 94941


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