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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

As a 25-year resident of Marin County, I bring a unique insight into the Marin real estate market to both the buyer and seller. Backed by the extensive resources of Avalar Real Estate Alliance, I am able to offer my clients a full range of real estate services. Avalar’s experienced real estate staff work together to ensure all your real estate needs are met. These services are always delivered with professionalism and individual attention.

From this website you can connect directly to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) which lists properties for sale throughout Marin Country, including the cities of Tiburon, Sausalito, Mill Valley, Corte Madera, San Rafael, San Anselmo, Greenbrae, Kentfield, Novato and others.

From this site you can also request a free evaluation of your property’s value and neighborhood comparatives.

Personal Marketing: I send out special mailings, on a monthly basis, to a large list of potential buyers. These mailings include flyers, summaries of listings and general, helpful information. I track all clients by the type of property they are looking for, and can quickly contact them if the "right" property comes on the market. On all new listings I send just-listed notices to the neighbors. I also send out regular mailings to past clients providing them with listing information and up-dates on the market. My philosophy is to expose your property to the largest number of potential buyers.

Don’t hesitate to call (415.246.8599) or email me


Angela M. Haas  -  Avalar
Ph: 415 246 8599
711 Grand Avenue, Suite150
San Rafael, CA 94941


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