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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is there a "best time" to put my house on the market?
Answers for Sellers

Along with economic factors such as supply and demand, the time of year you choose to sell can impact both the length of time it takes to sell your home and its ultimate selling price.

Typically, the real estate market picks up around February, continues strong through late May and June, and tapers off during July and August. The summer is usually the busiest time for moving since school is out and buyers may be looking to get their children in school before the new school year. September through November generally marks a rally not as strong as late winter and spring, followed by a slowdown from Thanksgiving through and beyond the Christmas and New Year holiday period.


Angela M. Haas  -  Avalar
Ph: 415 246 6533
711 Grand Avenue, Suite150
San Rafael, CA 94941


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